Wanneer is graffiti vandalisme
Wetgeving in Nederland
- Wetgeving in Nederland | Graffiti is ontstaan in Philadelphia (Verenigde Staten). Politieke activisten gebruikten opschriften op openbare plekken om hun boodschap te verspreiden en jeugdbendes bakenden er hun .
- Is graffiti art or vandalism? - California Learning Resource Network Many skate parks now double as shrines to the self-expression of graffiti, and nobody’s ever going to complain that it’s vandalism. But in the wider world, it might not be so clear cut. Graffiti can .
- Is graffiti vandalisme? | Transformative Power: Graffiti can transform public spaces, breathing new life into dull, neglected areas. However, there are valid arguments for considering graffiti as vandalism: .
- Toegestaan op specifieke locaties .
Wetgeving in Nederland | . |
Is graffiti vandalisme? | . |
Is graffiti art or vandalism? | . |
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